My Photo Albums

Some of my photo collections that are hosted here are below. I also have different photos on Flickr.

photo of archways beside the cathedral A Visit to Winchester. In 2004, events in Winchester commemorated the 450th wedding anniversary of Mary Tudor and Philip II of Spain. Among the events was a concert by the choir Index Cantorum on Saturday 24th July 2004 at 7.30 pm in Winchester Cathedral. We were there to hear this concert and visit the historic sites in Winchester.
photo of Christmas lights in 2004 Christmas at Scott Terrace, 2004. These photos from December, 2004, are some of the Christmas light displays in the Houston community of Scott Terrace. The displays were far better than my photography.
photo of Christmas lights in 2004 Ouwehands Dierenpark. The Zoo at Rhenen, The Netherlands, August 15, 2004.
photo of Marjie eating birthday cake Marjie’s 91st Birthday.
photo of Marjie's photo displayed on a desk at her funeral Marjie’s Funeral and Graveside Service.

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montage of sheet music and a photo of me